Monday, October 3, 2011

Butox Roach Massacre

No, not the anti-wrinkle injection product known as botox, but the poisonous antipest product known in Brazil as butox. I gave my dogs a much needed bath last Sunday using this very product. Caution must be taken so as to not apply too much in a bucket of water. It's some pretty strong stuff, if the smell is anything to go by (and the resulting massacre).

Anyway, my dogs are just fine (and clean), a slew of roaches, on the other hand... not so much. I poured whatever was left in the bucket of butox in our laundry room faucet drain. About 30 minutes time lead to an unexpected, but very amusing (and perhaps gross) result:

Butox - Not to be confused with botox! No, then it'd known as the miracle pro-wrinkle product.

Caution: Posion
Poison indeed. Wouldn't want to inject this stuff into your face!


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