Friday, September 21, 2012

A Fire Rises

...In Fortaleza Beach (not to be confused with Praia Brava of Fortaleza, which is where I live, and which is about 11 minutes away from walking distance). No houses were burnt and no one was injured to my knowledge. The wildfire was impressive for a place that supposedly rains so much (folks often poke fun of Ubatuba, stamping the nickname "Ubachuva" due to its copious amounts of rainfall).

As a resident of Ubatuba, I can say that it doesn't rain as much as people like to complain about, but perhaps this year is drier than others...


EDIT: Before and after comparison:

EDIT Number Two - Result one week or so later:

Saturday, September 8, 2012


I don't know what the truck I'm doing... am I supposed to be doing something?

 So... my German Shepherd found this snake. It looked to be dead, but stupid ol' me didn't have the slightest clue. I picked up its presumably dead carcass and placed it atop a wooden- ...thingy that holds cocoanuts in hopes of taking some pictures. But the moment I let it go was the moment it sprung into life!

"Egad, good sir!" I thought, "I have been deceived! ...awesome!" I'll be able to take photos that are actually interesting!"

Beyond that there was some blue-eyed frog and a caterpillar. My 50mm f/1.8 + 60D combo had a tough time exposing the last 3 shots.