Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's Been...

... over a year since I updated this. Nothing blog-worthy has happened during this time, though... honestly I'm not sure if anything blog-worthy has ever happened here. But anyway, today a dead dolphin washed up on the shore of Praia Brava of Fortaleza. And it's not the first time this has happened. Many speculate that these majestic creatures get tangled in fishing nets (fishing is illegal on these particular beaches, by the way) and suffocate. Fisherman simply untangle the body and continue with their illegalities.

It makes sense: dolphins don't die and wash up on shores for no apparent reason a few days after fishing boats were conveniently spotted...

Well, here are the photos:


Friday, September 21, 2012

A Fire Rises

...In Fortaleza Beach (not to be confused with Praia Brava of Fortaleza, which is where I live, and which is about 11 minutes away from walking distance). No houses were burnt and no one was injured to my knowledge. The wildfire was impressive for a place that supposedly rains so much (folks often poke fun of Ubatuba, stamping the nickname "Ubachuva" due to its copious amounts of rainfall).

As a resident of Ubatuba, I can say that it doesn't rain as much as people like to complain about, but perhaps this year is drier than others...


EDIT: Before and after comparison:

EDIT Number Two - Result one week or so later:

Saturday, September 8, 2012


I don't know what the truck I'm doing... am I supposed to be doing something?

 So... my German Shepherd found this snake. It looked to be dead, but stupid ol' me didn't have the slightest clue. I picked up its presumably dead carcass and placed it atop a wooden- ...thingy that holds cocoanuts in hopes of taking some pictures. But the moment I let it go was the moment it sprung into life!

"Egad, good sir!" I thought, "I have been deceived! ...awesome!" I'll be able to take photos that are actually interesting!"

Beyond that there was some blue-eyed frog and a caterpillar. My 50mm f/1.8 + 60D combo had a tough time exposing the last 3 shots.